Picking the Right Patio Heater Tower

If you are interested in installing a patio heater, one of the most important decisions you will make is what type of patio heater tower to use. These towers are available in two basic varieties: recessed and post-mounted. Knowing which type you should choose will help you get the perfect heater for your patio, and you will find that the answer will depend on many factors.

There are two types of heaters that use radiant heat: radiant and ground heat. In a good set up, they are complementary. Ground heat is used to produce warmth, while radiant heat is used to create an updraft that warms the air and transfers heat to your clothes. A good patio heater will produce warmth both for you and for others who will be standing on your patio.

The patio heater tower that you install will determine how much heat you can generate. The type of tower you choose will depend on the size of your patio and the type of heat you want to send out to make it comfortable. You should be able to determine that before you begin any work on your patio.

One common type of patio heater tower is a recessed unit. The goal of a recessed unit is to absorb heat from outside. When a patio is warmed from the outside, a more powerful air conditioner is able to provide even more heat to those who are staying on your patio.

A recessed heater uses a tube that radiates heat back into the house. It is installed along the patio walls and extends outward toward the back of the house. It produces a comfortable layer of warm air that insulates against outside temperatures. If your patio walls are covered with wood and will experience direct sunlight, a post-mounted patio heater is recommended because it can capture the warm rays and transfer them into the room.

Thereare different styles of posts you can use as well. The most common style of post is the metal, hollow metal ‘pill box’. This is the most common style and one that is easily available. You can also choose concrete, which is a very attractive material and one that will not be damaged by outdoor elements.

The size of the heater tower and the style of the post will depend on the space available in your house, the number of people who will be staying on your patio, and the amount of heat you need to get out into the room. If you are installing the heater on a large patio with no room for ventilation, a post-mounted style might be the best choice.

Your personal preferences also have a lot to do with your decision. You may find a post-mounted style to be more comfortable to use, but if you like standing up on your patio in the sun you will likely prefer a vertical style of unit. The ideal way to pick a heater’s tower will depend on your preference and the overall style you want to get from your patio heater.